Tag Archive | Porter Surname

Fearless Females Blog Post-March 8: Diaries, Letters & Journals

Once again, in honor of National Women’s History Month, Lisa Alzo of The Accidental Genealogist blog presents Fearless Females: 31 Blogging Prompts to Celebrate Women’s History Month.

I have decided to participate in the Prompts:  So here we go!

March 8 — Did one of your female ancestors leave a diary, journal, or collection of letters? Share an entry or excerpt.

Here is a small insert of the memoirs of my mother Betty Mae Peters that will be published in January 1, 2013 by FreedomInk Publishing.  The setting takes place in the 1940’s in New York City.


Betty Mae Peters Porter with her mother Agnes Mae Cully Peters

Many “black” people, in order to obtain employment, passed for white, “Spanish”, or anything but “colored.”  This was quite common and quite accepted in the black community, as using whatever one could to “make-it” in a basically hostile society.  Blacks also liked the idea of “fooling” paddies (a word for whites).  The darkest black would smile a knowing we-smile upon encountering a friend or acquaintance “passing” on a job, and, far from giving-away the imposter, would instead return to the black community and laughingly report how so-and-so was fooling those “dumb paddies.”  However, in my naivete, I was amazed to learn that whites went through the same kinds of fabrications for the exact same reasons.

If you like this, wait till you read the book “A Taste of Sugar”…

Copyright protected by Estate of Betty Mae Porter-1973-2012

Fearless Females Blog Post-March 7: Favorite Recipe

Everyday this month, I will do a post on a female ancestor.  Thank you to the Accidental Genealogist for the Post Prompt.

March 7 — Share a favorite recipe from your mother or grandmother’s kitchen. Why is this dish your favorite? If you don’t have one that’s been passed down, describe a favorite holiday or other meal you shared with your family.


Betty Mae Porter at home being Bartender. About 1972

I really can’t think of any recipes off hand that my mother would use.  She was one of those mother’s that would not measure anything, and would just cook.  Of course she had many recipe books in the home, so I am not sure how much she relied on recipes.

I can tell you one thing for sure, she cooked every night for dinner while I was growing up.  It would be a very rare occasion if she bought anything like fast food.

My mother was an excellent cook!  She always cooked with lots of garlic and onions.  Garlic was on and in everything.

I think my mother improvised quite a bit in the kitchen.  The one thing I miss about her cooking was her soup.  Her soups never tasted the same as the last one she made.  It was always a different variety.  My uncle and dad would call her “Soup Girl.”

She would love to send soup to her friends in the neighborhood, and she would send it home to me and my children.  They loved their Grandma’s soups!

Fearless Females Blog Post-March 5-How They Met

I am participating in the Fearless Female Blog Posts for Women’s History Month, where we post about the females in our family.  The questions

March 5 — How did they meet? You’ve documented marriages, now, go back a bit. Do you know the story of how your parents met? Your grandparents?

Yvonne Greene (Godmother), Agnes Cully Peters (Grandmother), Betty Mae Peters Porter, Walter J. Porter, Helen Bunn Thompson (Grandmother)

My parents Betty and Walter Porter met through mutual friends.  I don’t know the complete detail of their introduction to one another, but I remember my mother telling me that he was a gentleman.  She stated that she could have chosen anyone, but there was something special about my father.  She called him a social genius and was full of potential.  All I know is those two together would really make you bust a gut. They were so fun together.  My father would have a joke and my mother would be right there with him, and laying one on the line.

The group of  friends my parents met through remained forever friends for over sixty years.  Some have passed on and some are still living and residing in different parts of the United States.

Fearless Females Blog Post-March 3-Name and Naming Patterns

March 3 — Do you share a first name with one of your female ancestors? Perhaps you were named for your great-grandmother, or your name follows a particular naming pattern. If not, then list the most unique or unusual female first name you’ve come across in your family tree.

Now most people know me as Yvette Marie (Porter) Moore.  This was the name given to me by my parents when they adopted me.  When I turned 18 years old, I was curious about my birth family, so I contacted the adoption agency requesting non-identifying information.  When I received the papers in the mail, to my surprise, the worker wrote my birth “Given” name in the information.

I was named “Victoria.”  Later on when I did the research of my name through the birth index, I discovered that my name was Victoria Ann Espinoza-Mitchell.  I really liked my birth name, but not enough to change back as I have grown accustomed to who I am.

Because I thought my name was pretty and being sentimental and in a spiritual sense, I decided to name my second and last daughter after me.  She carries my name Victoria Ann Porter.

When I met my birth mother, I learned that my Great Grandmother was named Victoria Ann, and that it was a family tradition.

What a wonderful thing to be able to do…Share my name with my youngest.  What was taken, now is given.

Yvette’s Weekly Corner Part #1

So much has happened over the past few weeks, and I wanted to share.  I am not doing as much blogging as I would like to do as I have had to refocus on some priorities.

I am currently enrolled in the Genealogy Certificate Program at Boston University.  I really want to take my love of genealogy to the next level, and thought that this was one way to become proficient in the methods of research.

I have not really held a full-time job most of my life,  as I have been a stay-at-home mother,  and now I currently care for an elderly uncle.  Oh, I have always had temporary jobs, or occupied my time by going to school, but I have never felt so sure about my what I want to do until now.  I want to write, and I want to learn as much as I can in the field of genealogy, with the hopes of finding my niche.

I recently was asked to be a host of a radio show program with a local station in San Diego.  I eagerly accepted as I have made a promise to myself, that I would not turn down any talking engagements.  I made this decision a few years ago, because this allows me to come outside of my comfort zone.  I believe that when we move out of our comfort zone, we can be stretched, which allows us to grow.  The format of the show will be discussing genealogy and family history subjects, with a segment of an interview, and Q & A with listener participation.  As soon as I get my schedule, I will update you.

I can’t forget the wonderful interview I did with Geneabloggers!  I love being a part of this community.  I enjoy reading everyone’s blogs (when I can get around to them), and I enjoy listening to geneabloggers blog talk radio.  I learn so much from all of you, so I want to say “Thank You.”

Well, now it is getting late, and I am flying off to Las Vegas in the morning.  I will be reuniting with my father’s, paternal nephew (Willie)  and great niece (Cheryl).  I did not grow up knowing my Porter side of the family as my father’s mom, ran off the plantation in Lake Providence, Louisiana to California, by way of Little Rock, Arkansas and St. Louis, Missouri.  This thing called Ancestry.com connected us through the family trees.  When I return, I will have a report.  So good night for now, and may all your family searches be fruitful!!!

Genealogy Corner: Day #4

Keith S. Porter
My Grandson at Pre-school
Last December 2010

      Today, I read a few pages of chapter #3 of the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass.  I have the holiday fever, so I feel as though I have ADHD right now.

     I started working on the PowerPoint Presentation for my Genealogy Society meeting in January 2012.  I will be discussing Blogging Your Family History.  I have made an agreement with myself, since I am a recovering procrastinator to do at least 2 slides a day, so by the time my presentation date, it will be complete.

     I began scanning some of the old pictures I want to use for my presentation, as I would like to make a few collages.  When my computer crashed, I lost all of those needed photo’s, so of course, I am also backing up.

     I am also going to be moving my Blogger account to WordPress, as I have been seeing that individual bloggers on Blogger have been locked out of their accounts, and I am worried that it could happen to me.

     I received a book in the mail, Postcard History Series, Worcester by Frank J. Morrill, William O. Hultgren, and Eric J. Salomonsson.  I plan on posting on my other blog, The Cully Family: An African American Legacy, a few of the postcards that I feel are in relation to my ancestors.

     Before I go, I must do a little tooting because I made it in Randy Seavers, Genea-Musing: Best of the Genea-blogs mentions.  Randy quoted “Hundreds of genealogy and family history bloggers write thousands of posts every week about their research, their families, and their interests. I appreciate each one of them and their efforts.

My criteria for “Best of …” are pretty simple – I pick posts that advance knowledge about genealogy and family history, address current genealogy issues, provide personal family history, are funny or are poignant. I don’t list posts destined for the genealogy carnivals, or other meme submissions (but I do include summaries of them), or my own posts.” “
     So with this, I am so honored to have a place this week on Randy Seavers list.  I am learning so much from all of you that blog your family research, and those that help many of us to stay updated.  Again, Thank you Randy!!!

Unveiling of Dr. Walter J. Porter Portrait-Part#2

     The unveiling of Dr. Walter J. Porter was a very spiritual and symbolic event for me. It opened my ears and my heart to want to continue in my father’s legacy, and continue the Porter Foundation in San Diego to benefit the children of Title I schools in the Southeastern part of the city.  The artist Clarence “Pencilman” Pointer and I unveiled the portraits to the Walter J. Porter Elementary School’s children, parents, teachers, and community members of the San Diego Community.

I did a prior post a few days ago of the event. To read click: Unveiling of Dr. Walter J. Porter Portrait: Part #1.

Pencil Masterpiece Portraits of Dr. Walter Porter

Here are some of the photos that were captured of some of the 5th graders receiving Principal Awards before the unveiling event.  Photos by Mike Norris of San Diego.

Mr. Ruben Ortega’s 5th Grade Class
Receiving Principal Academic Awards

Speaking to the Students about Walter Porter

Dr. Maxine Sherard, me and Philip Liburd

Dr. Shirley Weber and Ms. McMillian (principal)

Dr. Maxine Sherard, me and Vira Williams

Rev. Ikenna Kokayi & Dr. Caroll Waymon

Vira Williams, Dr. Shirley Weber, me & Tracy Allen

Tracy Allen & Dee Sanford

Teacher, Ms. McMillian, Ms. Moore
Pencilman (artist), me & Dr. Weber

Principal Ms. McMillian

Porter Panthers
5th Grade Students

Porter Panthers
Clapping as the Artwork is Unveiled

Smiling as I introduce Artist

Me and Clarence Pointer “Pencilman”

Pencilman speaking to the youth
Encouraging them to use the talents that God gave them

Original Artwork of Dr. Walter J. Porter Unveiled

Pencilman, Ms. McMillian, Dr. Shirley Weber

More of the Porter Panthers

Posing with Artwork

Posing with Artwork
Mike Norris Photographer in this pic

Vira Williams in School Library with Artwork

Dr. Maxine Sherard

Makena Hayes-Gargonnu
Speaking about the mentorship of children

Dr. Willie Blair speaking about his Mentor
Dr. Walter J. Porter

Discussing with attendees of the reception that the Porter Foundation
will continue in the Legacy of Walter Porter.

Amanuensis Monday: Christmas Letter 1981, Christmas Memories

My mother wrote a Christmas letter every year. It is really cool to read these letters becasue frankly I forgot many of the years of my childhood and these definitely sparks my memory. Here is one I found and decided to share.

Season’s Greetings”I was hungry and you formed a humanities club to discuss my hunger.
I was imprisoned and you crept off quietly and prayed for my release.
I was naked and in your mind you debated the morality of my appearance.
I was sick and you knelt and thanked God for your health.
I was homeless and you preached to me the spiritual shelter of God’s love.
I was lonely and you left me alone to pray for me.

You seem so holy, so close to God.
But, I am still very hungry and lonely and cold.”

December 21, 1981

Dear Friends and Relatives,
     Here’s another Christmas letter from “old reliable.”  There are a few of you I haven’t heard from in quite some time.  Too bad!  We are interested in you and in the events in your lives.  For most of you, however, your yearly (or more often) communications give us a warm feeling crossed between “social security” and “Roots”, and we love you dearly for helping to keep our relationships alive!

     Walter’s job category has changed.  He’s now Dean of Student Services at the same institution-The Educational Cultural Complex.  It makes for a much better family life, because now he doesn’t have to work so many evenings.

     Marshall is in the tenth grade.  He attends Patrick Henry High School.  He “made” the Jr. Varsity basketball team!  This keeps him quite busy, and the feeling of succeeding is great for his self-image.  At age 15, he’s around 6 feet 3 inches tall, and still growing!  His clothing bill is staggering!

     Yvette is a very pretty thirteen and one-half year old in the eighth grade at Lewis Jr. High School.  This past summer a very silly boy shot her in the leg with a “BB” gun!  It was considered wise not to remove it, so we keep a careful watch.  She is very interested in dramatics, and we’re going to try to get her into our “Junior Theatre” program in Balboa Park.

     I’m at the same school in the same room.  This year I have a 5/6 Gifted Cluster class.  I just finished training a terrific Student Teacher and will start-in on another one in January-and so it goes!

     We couldn’t resist returning to Lake Tahoe for our family vacation.  This time we stayed in a cabin in West Lake Tahoe.  “Wally” hit the Jackpot in Carson City, Nevada on our anniversary!  Such fun!  We also went to cute, quaint Virginia City, Nevada and saw Mark Twain’s desk, among other things.  Our friends, Ed and Yvonne Crute joined us in Tahoe.  It was great!

     Best wishes to you all for health, safety, love and security.  Let’s all hold good thoughts for world peace.  Much love,
Walter, Marshall, Yvette and Betty Porter, by B

Unveiling of Dr. Walter J. Porter Portrait-Part#1

     I loved and admired my father Walter J. Porter dearly.  The San Diego community respected and liked “Wally” as well.   Walter Porter was a community activist, and a highly respected educator in the City of San Diego.  It is my love of my father that I continue in my father and mother’s legacy as they both were educators.  Betty Porter was an elementary school teacher for over 30 years in the San Diego Unified School District as my father was a Dean for the San Diego Community College District.

     In 2003, I started a campaign to have a new school built under proposition MM to have my father’s name on it.  We were blessed not only to have one school named after my father, but the former Kennedy Elementary School in San Diego, which was also rebuilt named after my father.  They are both one school but they are called the North and South Campus.

     When the South campus was dedicated and  the ribbon cutting ceremony was held, I donated a painting of my father from the 70’s to be placed in the South Campus office.  The painting of my father was the only one the school had.  Many of the children did not know who Walter Porter was, and they did not know that he had been an advocate for education and for the youth. 
Invitation Flyer to the Unveiling
Dr. Walter J. Porter
Walter Porter with his dummy “Jody”
Ventriloquist in the 50’s & 60’s in Los Angeles

     The Portraits above were revealed on Friday, December 9, 2011. The Porter family and community had two Masterpiece Pencil  Portraits that were made by Clarence “Pencilman” Pointer.
     Clarence captured the spirit of my father through his eyes in the solo photo.The North Campus auditorium was filled with at least 100 students, many parents, and community members to see the unveiling.  The students were receiving awards for their outstanding  academic achievements.

       During the unveiling, Dr. Shirley Weber, an educator at San Diego State University, former board member of the San Diego Unified School District, spoke about the life of Walter Porter.  She spoke to the children letting them know that even though Wally had not been a President of the U.S.,  a Senator, or someone that had a big National position, he did have big dreams, and he advocated so that these students would have a future.  Wally’s spirit can be felt today by all the things Wally cared about.

     The Porter family and community had two Masterpiece Pencil  Portraits that were made by Clarence “Pencilman” Pointer.  Clarence captured the spirit of my father through his eyes in the solo photo.

Holding two of the Portraits that were unveiled

     After the ceremony, a reception followed:  More pictures to come of the unveiling and the children receiving awards.