Tag Archive | Daily Journal

Daily Journal: Cully Family Genealogy

Edgecombe, Sugar Hill, NY APT building Grandparents lived  in 1920’s

Today took a very interesting and a welcoming change in my Research, Writing, and Blogging.

I have finally realized I cannot do another thing until I organize my years of printing and saving documents.

Over the next few months, I am going to be organizing, sorting, scanning, filing, all of my Family Research information.  I have been researching the Cully Family since 2004 electronically and have not done the documentation required to keep up with the material or at least share it with individuals such as Debra Newton-Carter and Michaud Robinson who have interest in my papers as we both have family connections.

I have been doing Family  Search and Research in general since I was 18 years old in 1986.  I did not know there was a name for it until the year 2000. 

Since I have been researching the Cully Family, my Goal is to write two books within the next few years.  They are: The Cully Family: An African American Story and Embraced Identity.

I want to personally thank Debra Newton-Carter of In Black and White: Cross-Cultural Genealogy.  She has agreed to help with some of the documents and put them in some type of order so that I may focus more on my writing.

© Yvette Porter Moore-All Rights Reserved

Daily Journal, July 12, 2011

Today was a day of trying to recover from this nasty flu I have.  I mentally wanted to do a lot of research and writing today, but my body was not having it.  I did accomplish a few things however.

  • Completed writing today’s post: Betty Peter’s Journal.
  • Prepared two posts for Wordless Wednesday,  and posting of a video of the African Burial Grounds in New York.
  • Spoke with my Cousin in North Carolina re: Family Tree and research.
  • Worked on Family Tree today, since I deleted the one I had, and have sworn that I would never do that again.
  • I will prepare next few days posts before the weekend. My Niece is getting married!!  Yahoo!!
  • Need to put together a display board on Walter Porter for the Porter Elementary school Graduation Ceremony.

Daily Journal: July 9, 2011

I spent most of my day deciding what posts would be on my blog from July 10th-July 20th, and writing as many as I can so I will have not have to worry about posting as I will be traveling to Houston, TX to see my Niece get married this coming weekend.
My goals for this week:
  • To finish all my daily posts before Wednesday.
  • Organize my genealogy papers, pictures, etc. in my room and make a file system so that I can find things.
  • Work on my family Tree and have it transferred into a new program.
  • Will transfer my blog to my website.
This should be a good week, and I look forward to it.

Daily Journal July 8, 2011

Journaling @ Jackie Robinson Park in NY during my Research Trip, June 2010

 I am finally seeing the importance of keeping a Genealogical diary or journal.  One of the individuals I have met through Geneabloggers keeps a daily journal  Randy Seaver of The Geneaholic.  I see that it can be very helpful when one is researching. Journaling allows you to have a record of your research, your thoughts about the research, what you’ve are looking for and what you have found.  So, tonight, I have decided to at least begin to list some of those things at the end of each night.

  1. I purchased my website domain through GoDaddy.com and my new website is http://www.rootdiggergriot.com//
  2. I called technical support at GoDaddy to find out how to link my blog with my website.
  3. I made a list of what I will be posting next on my blog.
  4. I FB with my Birth Mother and she stated that I should talk to her first about my family history.  I basically have been drawing from my recollection of what I was told, so as always I must have documentation. This is a big step forward with my Mom and I, as I believe she is going to open up to me more.
  5. I left an email message to Michaud Robinson, who was introduced to me as my cousin by Debra Newton-Carter.
  6.  I listened to Geneablogger Web Radio tonight and won a Genealogical Magazine that has information about Genealogy certification.
  7. I have decided to attend the University of Boston for the Genealogy Certification, beginning in January 2012.
  8. I will probably lay out what I am going to post tomorrow and off to sleep.